Off to New Market on Saturday...
And in a bit of a 'blast from the past,' the Park has graciously offered the use the "suite" in the original 1818 Bushong House for Saturday night. Methinks it is probably a little different from the 12 years ago or whenever it was I lived there before...It probably just won't look the same without my drums (Pearl Exports - burgundy - and Sabian AA cymbals in case anyone cares...), library, and Nirvana posters. (Which reminds me I never did re-pay a couple certain co-workers for putting the dead snake on my floor tom...)
Sunday is "Rat Day" - the swearing in of VMI's new freshman class. ( I haven't been to one of these ceremonies in years, but they are always enjoyable - the cadets gather by the Bushong House to learn about VMI's ties to the grounds there, charge up Bushong Hill as their comrades did before them in 1864, then finally take their cadet oath.
Yours truly will be there bright & early Sunday at 8 am at the Hall of Valor, signing copies of Valley Thunder. I'll be there through early afternoon probably, so if you're in the neighborhood, stop by.