What's going on with Valley Thunder?

Here is where you can stay most up-to-date with the publication of Charles Knight's Valley Thunder: The Battle of New Market, including the latest info on its release, up-coming appearances by the author, latest reviews, more in-depth looks at various aspects of the battle and anything else that comes to mind.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


The galley of Valley Thunder arrived in the mail yesterday!! I'm sure most, if not all, first-time authors must experience the same weird feeling that I did of holding an actual book in their hands and seeing THEIR NAME on the cover...having that, "Wow, I wrote this!" moment.

But the thing came close to being a drenched envelope of ruined paper, since it arrived during one of the worst snow storms to hit Virginia in years - of course it's nothing but RAIN here in Hampton Roads, so much so that my back yard is underwater AGAIN...Anyway, my beloved mail carrier apparently has yet to learn what that flap on his actual mail bag is for so the outer envelope it arrived in was literally falling apart, leaving a trail of cardboard mush across the floor...luckily the book itself was wrapped in plastic so it survived the ordeal, but for a moment I had my doubts...


  1. Great blog, Charlie. Looking forward to lots of good readig.


  2. I didn't know this was coming out! I'm looking forward to getting a copy! --a former volunteer interpreter at NMBSHP and a VMI Cadet Reenactor!
